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  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    "But ideologies are often more influential than evidence. Free-market economists seldom looked at the success of the managed-market economies of East Asia. They preferred to talk about the failures of the Soviet Union, which eschewed the use of the market altogether. [...] The United States used its sway as the sole remaining superpower to advance its economic interests - or, more accurately, to advance the interests of its large and powerful corporations. [...] The United States pushed countrie…

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Über eine Grundlage der Demokratie. Zitat von Joseph Stiglitz: „Democracy, we now know, is more than periodic elections: in some countries, such elections have been used to legitimize essentially authoritarian regimes and deprive large parts of the citizenry of basic rights. “ Die Bedeutung von faktisch sauberer Geschichtsschreibung. Zitat von Joseph Stiglitz: „Behind the debates over future policy is a debate over history - a debate over the causes of our current situation. The battle for the p…

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Zitat von Joseph Stiglitz: „In No One We Trust [...] Today, we are sometimes made to feel that it is naïve to be preoccupied with trust. Our songs advise against it, our TV shows tell stories showing its futility, and incessant reports of financial scandal remind us we'd be fools to give it to our bankers. That last point may be true, but that doesn't mean we should stop striving for a bit more trust in our society and our economy. Trust is what makes contracts, plans, and everyday transactions …

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Zitat von Joseph Stiglitz: „Strong values enable us to live in harmony with one another. Without trust, there can be no harmony. [...] Inequality [...] is degrading our trust. For our own sake, and for the sake of future generations, it's time to start rebuilding it. That this even requires pointing out shows how far we have to go. “ Publiziert im März 2014, hat jemand Anzeichen für die Spaltung der Demokraten gesehen. Zitat von Joseph Stiglitz: „Trade agreements are a subject that can cause the…

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Neoliberalismus... Zitat von Joseph Stiglitz: „Spain's problem today are largely a result of the same mix of ideology and special interests that led to financial market liberalization and deregulation and other "market fundamentalist" policies [...] that contributed the high level of inequality and instability [...] (These "market fundamentalist" policies are also referred to as "neoliberalism". As I explain, they rest not on a deep understanding of modern economic theory, but on a naïve reading…

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Zitat von Joseph Stiglitz: „The cold economic statistics [...] do not capture the true failure of the eurozone. Other statistics - a marked increase in suicides - may give a better sense of the stress ordinary individuals are feeling. Newspaper articles have graphically depicted the social costs of the crisis - pictures of large numbers of citizens picking through garbage and begging, closed stores, social unrest manifested in violent protests. It is the effects of the euro and the eurozone on t…

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Zitat von Joseph Stiglitz: „Three messages emerge clearly from my analysis. A common currency is threatening the future of Europe. Muddling through will not work. And the European project is too important to be sacrificed on the cross of the euro. Europe - the world - deserves better. I have shown that there are alternatives to the current system. Moving from where the eurozone is today to one of these alternatives will not be easy, but it can be done. For the sake of Europe, for the sake of the…

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Die spinnen, die Römer. - Gallisches Sprichwort

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Zitat von Yanis Varoufakis: „"Time and again since the euro crisis began, I have had to correct the fundamental misconception that it is a tussle between Germans and Greeks, north and south, between a stingy Berlin and a profligate European periphery. On the contrary, the enemies of European solidarity, rationality and enlightenment reside in Greece, in Germany, in Italy - everywhere. And the same is true of their defenders." “ Ich lese gerade einen Band aus der realen Version von Game of Throne…

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Amerikanischer Journalist: But isn't it idiotic to put your job on the line to eradicate idiocy? Yanis Varoufakis: Not if you don't care for the job except as a lever against idiocy. Das könnte schon ein halbes Credo für jeden Akademiker sein.

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Zitat von David Eagleman: „There are three deaths. The first is when the body ceases to function. The second is when the body is consigned to the grave. The third is that moment, sometime in the future, when your name is spoken for the last time. “ Als One Piece-Leser kennen wir alle eine Variante dieses Zitats.

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Nixon: "When the Chairman [Mao] says he voted for me, he voted for the lesser of two evils." Mao: "I like rightists. People say you are rightists, that the Republican Party is to the right, that Prime Minister Heath [UK] is also to the right." Nixon: "And General De Gaulle [Frankreich]." Mao: "De Gaulle is a different question. They also say the Christian Democratic Party of West Germany is also to the right. I am comparatively happy when these people on the right come into power." Quelle: On Ch…

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Zitat von Henry Kissinger: „One of the obstacles to continuity in America's foreign policy is the sweeping nature of its periodic changes of government. As a result of term limits, every presidential appointment down to the level of Deputy Assistant Secretary is replaced at least every eight years - a change of personnel involving as many as five thousand key positions. The successors have to undergo a prolonged vetting process. In practice, a vacuum exists for the first nine months or so of the…

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Ein Zitat, mit dem ich nicht gerechnet habe. Zitat von Henry Kissinger: „A market economy will, in time, enhance general well-being, but the essence of competition is that somebody wins and somebody loses. In the early stages of a market economy, the winnings are likely to be disproportionate. The losers are tempted to blame the "system" rather than their own failure. Often they are right. “

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Zitat von Henry Kissinger (2012): „The "rise" of China is not primarily the result of its military strength. It reflects importantly a declining (US)-American competitive position, expressed by obsolescent infrastructure, inadequate attention to research and development and a seemingly dysfunctional governmental process. “ Dieses Gefühl, wenn man erkennt, was im eigenen Land schief läuft, und es nicht ändern kann.

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Zitat von Peter Boghossian: „If you create environments in which you can't ask questions, extremists step in with solutions. “

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Zitat von Joseph Banks (englischer Botaniker während den Napoleonischen Kriegen): „The science of two Nations may be at Peace, while their Politics are at war. “

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Zitat von Paul Mason: „Wherever I go, I ask questions about economics - and get answers about climate. “

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Zitat von Eine Mathematikerin: „Inconsistency is part of the game. “ 100% wahr.

  • Eure Lieblingszitate

    Mathemagica - - Fun & Spam


    Ah ja, der alte Trick mit dem Brot und Spielen. Ergänzt mit dem Bild der unzivilisierten Barbaren. Man kann sich von offenem Rassismus und ähnlichem entziehen, aber Konsum und Ablenkung sind eine ganz andere Herausforderung. Zitat von Noam Chomsky: „As long as the general population is passive, apathetic, diverted to consumerism or hatred of the vulnerable, the powerful can do as they please and those who survive will be left to contemplate the outcome. “ @Kizaru (大将) wtf!