One Piece A.I. Kram

    • Zoot schrieb:

      @Jimmy D. Starboy, inwiefern du den Link rausrücken möchtest (falls es sowas gibt), ist natürlich dir überlassen, ebenso wie weitere Regeln einzubinden usw. die für dieses Spiel/Thread gelten sollen. Hier könntest du dazu im Startbeitrag aber noch die nötigen Infos anpassen, damit das moderieren so auch einfacher fällt, denn inwiefern man was hier inhaltlich posten kann, wurde nicht angegeben und ihr habt euch da beide etwas hochgeschaukelt. Das wäre jetzt der Ansatz um hier etwas Klarheit zu bekommen, damit das Spiel weiter sinnvoll genutzt werden kann.

      Ist nett gemeint... aber man sieht ja, dass keine Absicht da ist irgend etwas zu erlären. Hier sind auch nur vorgeschriebene Texte die mal schnell angepasst werden (klar die K.I. macht auch nix anderes).
      Dennoch ist es doch einfach klar, dass hier jemand so tut als wäre ne K.I. da. Warum antwortet er nicht richtig? warum bearbeitet er nicht den Starpost, wie du es vorgeschlagen hast?

      Und das beste kommt noch...

      Jimmy D. Starboy schrieb:

      Elandis schrieb:

      kannst ja mal den link von der A.I. hier posten
      Hab die A.I. gefragt, ob ich dir Kontakt zu ihr herstellen darf, hier ihre Antwort:

      I'm sorry, but I am not capable of forming relationships or connections with individuals. I am a large language model and my purpose is to assist with providing information and answering questions to the best of my ability. I do not have the ability to form personal connections or relationships.

      Ja klar, du fragst die K.I. ob ich den Link bekomme... hör auf zu kiffen... sry... Und wenn es sogar eine programierte Antwort ist ob du ihr Freund sein darfst, hat es nichts damit zu tun mal einen Link zu posten. Mit dir redet die ominöse K.I. ja auch...

      Mir geht es nicht hier ein Spiel oder Thread zu zerstören... lustiger wäre es eben gewesen, es öffentlich zu machen, damit jeder Spass daran hat. Wenn es denn der Wahrheit entspricht und nicht nur die die englischen Wiki-Einträge sind...

      Last minute gambler | Orgasm | Guter Hirte | Pöser Pube | Spielverderber | Punktlandung | Weihnachtswunder |Achievementhure
    • Ich habe Spaß an Charakterfusionen gefunden:

      Mein Befehl: "Create character fusions of the strawhat pirates of one piece and the fellowship of the ring of lord of the rings"

      und ich muss sagen, der A.I. hat ne interessante fellowship, aber durchaus spannende fusionen gewählt:

      Sure! Here are some character fusions of the Straw Hat Pirates from One Piece and the Fellowship of the Ring from Lord of the Rings:
      1. Luffy (One Piece) and Frodo (Lord of the Rings): This fusion would create a character who is both brave and determined, with the ability to stretch and stretch their body like Luffy, but also the burden of carrying a powerful and dangerous object like the Ring.
      2. Zoro (One Piece) and Aragorn (Lord of the Rings): This fusion would create a character who is both a skilled warrior and a skilled tracker, with the ability to use three swords at once like Zoro, but also the leadership skills and royal heritage of Aragorn.
      3. Nami (One Piece) and Legolas (Lord of the Rings): This fusion would create a character who is both a skilled navigator and a skilled archer, with the ability to control the weather like Nami, but also the speed and accuracy of Legolas' shots.
      4. Usopp (One Piece) and Sam (Lord of the Rings): This fusion would create a character who is both a skilled liar and a loyal companion, with the ability to transform into various animals like Usopp, but also the strength and determination of Sam.
      5. Sanji (One Piece) and Gimli (Lord of the Rings): This fusion would create a character who is both a skilled chef and a skilled fighter, with the ability to use his legs as weapons like Sanji, but also the strength and bravery of Gimli.
      6. Chopper (One Piece) and Merry (Lord of the Rings): This fusion would create a character who is both a skilled doctor and a brave warrior, with the ability to transform into various animal forms like Chopper, but also the loyalty and friendship of Merry.
      7. Robin (One Piece) and Boromir (Lord of the Rings): This fusion would create a character who is both knowledgeable and skilled in combat, with the ability to read and understand ancient texts like Robin, but also the strength and bravery of Boromir.
      8. Franky (One Piece) and Treebeard (Lord of the Rings): This fusion would create a character who is both a skilled engineer and a wise and ancient being, with the ability to transform into a cyborg like Franky, but also the longevity and wisdom of Treebeard.
      9. Brook (One Piece) and Gollum (Lord of the Rings): This fusion would create a character who is both a skilled musician and a troubled being, with the ability to come back from the dead like Brook, but also the obsession and temptation of the Ring that Gollum experiences.
      Am meisten gefallen mir Nami + Legolas, Franky und Baumbart, Brook und Gollum und vor allem Lysop + Sam, da kann ich instant heulen.

      Edit: ich habe mal die interessantesten Combos von einer Bild A.I. erstellen lassen, ihr dürft gerne raten, wer wer sein soll

      Edit 2: Jimbei fehlt, ich habe ihn natürlich mit Gandalf fusioniert, es ist wunderschön.
      Bildschirmfoto 2022-12-28 um 22.54.00.png

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 7 mal editiert, zuletzt von Jimmy D. Starboy ()

    • Jimmy D. Starboy schrieb:

      Zoro (One Piece) and Aragorn (Lord of the Rings): This fusion would create a character who is both a skilled warrior and a skilled tracker, with the ability to use three swords at once like Zoro, but also the leadership skills and royal heritage of Aragorn.
      Bleibt nur die Frage, ob er sich noch immer verlaufen würde, denn einer Spur zu folgen ist etwas anderes als so den richtigen Weg zu finden. ^^
      :thumbsup: Nicht nur in One Piece die reine Wahrheit: :thumbsup:
      Pirates are evil?!!... ...The Marines are Justice?!!
      These labels have been passed around Heaven knows how many times...!!!
      Kids who have never known peace... ...and kids who have never known war... ...Their values are too different!!!
      Whoever stands at the top can define right and wrong as they see fit!!!
      Right now, we stand in neutral territory!!!
      "Justice will prevail"?!... ...Well, sure it will!
      Whoever prevails... Justice!!!! (Doflamingo)

      So kann man es aber auch sehen
      Death, Discworld, Terry Pratchett

    • Shinichi schrieb:


      Was wäre ich für ein Pirat?
      Sure! Here is a description of the One Piece character Shinichi:
      Shinichi is a young pirate with a fierce determination and a thirst for adventure. He has a slender build and black hair that he keeps styled in a messy, spiky fashion. His most striking feature is a large scar running down the left side of his face, which he received during a battle with a rival pirate crew.
      Despite his youth, Shinichi is a skilled fighter and has a natural talent for strategy. He is always looking for ways to improve his strength and abilities, and spends much of his time training and practicing sword fighting.
      Shinichi is a loyal friend and fiercely protective of those he cares about. He has a kind heart and is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. However, he can also be hot-headed and impulsive at times, and is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in.
      Overall, Shinichi is a complex and multifaceted character, driven by a desire for greatness and the pursuit of his own personal goals.

    • Okay, zum Jahresende habe ich wieder unsere Bande fusioniert und ich denke, die results könnten gruseliger und lustiger kaum sein:

      Sure! Here are some character fusions of the Straw Hat crew of One Piece and the ten most important people of 2022:
      1. Monkey D. Luffy and Elon Musk: This fusion character would be a brilliant inventor and strategic thinker, with the ability to stretch and contort his body like rubber. He would be driven by a desire to explore and discover new technologies, and would be willing to take risks to achieve his goals.
      2. Roronoa Zoro and Bill Gates: This fusion character would be a highly intelligent and analytical fighter, with a sharp mind for business. He would be skilled in the use of multiple swords and would be able to predict and counter his opponents' moves with ease.
      3. Nami and Angela Merkel: This fusion character would be a skilled navigator and politician, with a natural talent for diplomacy and negotiation. She would be able to predict weather patterns and navigate through rough seas with ease, and would use her intelligence and charm to achieve her goals.
      4. Usopp and Mark Zuckerberg: This fusion character would be a skilled liar and social media expert, with the ability to create elaborate and convincing lies on the spot. He would be able to manipulate public opinion and spread information quickly and effectively through his social media accounts.
      5. Sanji and Lady Gaga: This fusion character would be a skilled chef and performer, with a flair for the dramatic and a natural talent for creative expression. He would be able to cook delicious meals and put on spectacular shows, using his charisma and talent to win over his audience.
      6. Tony Tony Chopper and Malala Yousafzai: This fusion character would be a small and determined fighter, with a powerful voice and a strong sense of justice. He would use his intelligence and courage to stand up for what he believes in and fight for the rights of others.
      7. Nico Robin and Michelle Obama: This fusion character would be a skilled archaeologist and leader, with a powerful presence and a passion for education. She would use her knowledge and charisma to inspire and empower others, and would work tirelessly to uncover the secrets of the past.
      8. Brook and Neil deGrasse Tyson: This fusion character would be a skilled musician and scientist, with a love for both the arts and the mysteries of the universe. He would use his knowledge and talent to inspire and educate others, and would seek to understand the mysteries of the cosmos through both music and science.
      9. Franky and Tim Cook: This fusion character would be a skilled engineer and business leader, with a talent for building and inventing new technologies. He would use his skills and innovation to create new gadgets and devices, and would be driven by a desire to push the boundaries of what is possible.
      10. Jinbei and Oprah Winfrey: This fusion character would be a powerful and influential leader, with a strong sense of justice and a passion for helping others. He would use his charisma and influence to inspire and empower those around him, and would work tirelessly to bring about positive change in the world.

      Bildschirmfoto 2022-12-31 um 16.48.02.pngBildschirmfoto 2022-12-31 um 16.56.11.pngBildschirmfoto 2022-12-31 um 16.56.21.pngBildschirmfoto 2022-12-31 um 16.58.17.pngBildschirmfoto 2022-12-31 um 16.57.55.pngBildschirmfoto 2022-12-31 um 17.00.06.pngBildschirmfoto 2022-12-31 um 17.01.09.pngBildschirmfoto 2022-12-31 um 18.52.59.pngBildschirmfoto 2022-12-31 um 20.39.55.pngBildschirmfoto 2022-12-31 um 20.44.40.png

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von Jimmy D. Starboy ()

    • One Piece OpenAI ChatGPT Poem

      Hi Zusammen ,

      mal aus Spaß das Chatporgramm von OpenAI nach einem Gedicht zu One Piece gefragt, sehr gelungen wie ich finde. Man kann auch Vorgaben machen was er alles für Stichwörter er verwenden soll. Generell ein echt cooles Programm.

      GPT OpenAI Chat schrieb:

      Sure, here is a poem about One Piece manga:
      A journey on the seas, a treasure to be found, A pirate's life for me, with friends all around, From Foosha Village to the Grand Line we go, Encountering dangers, but also great foes.

      The Straw Hat crew, united as one, With Luffy as our captain, our journey has just begun, We'll search for the One Piece, a treasure beyond measure, And make our mark on history, with unending pleasure.

      We'll face the Marines, and the Shichibukai, But with each battle, we'll become stronger and braver, We'll sail the seas, and explore the unknown, Until we reach our destination, the Pirate King's throne.

      So raise the anchor, and set sail, The adventure of a lifetime is about to unveil, With courage in our hearts, and dreams in our heads, We'll become the greatest pirates, in the New World ahead.