Kapitel 451 - "Peronas Wonder Garden"

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  • Kapitel 451 - "Peronas Wonder Garden"

    Stephen's Script: Chapter 451

    Translation von Rockschmock
    Chapter 451: Perona's Strange Garden

    [in the images you can see that the kanji for "strange garden" have a different katakana pronounciation written in furigana on top of it. But I can't make out what it is so it's "strange garden" for now]
    Enel's Great Space Strategy Vol. 19: "While watching the moon, an explosion on the moon"
    Dr. Tsukimi sees the explosion on the moon and spits out his dango ["tsukimi" means "watching the moon", same as last time]

    The scene continues from Absalom and the General Zombies

    Absalom: No matter where they might run on our grounds, corner them up and march them here!! There are no other enemies for you General zombies!!!
    Drunken GZ: Buuurp [just assuming this is burping..]
    Absalom: Hn? .... hey you, sluggish Captain John! You're really not living up to your life time's notorious bad reputation!!!
    John: Aye aye... I'll go I'll go phehehe!!!

    Absalom: ....dammit, can't do much about those guys

    Lola: Absama (<3) marry meee~ (<3 <3)
    Absalom: GYAAAAAH Lola!!! YOU, go out to the battle NOW!! I'm the commander!!!!
    Lola: Then, marry me!!!
    Absalom: WHY!? Don't fool/flirt around with me!!! I'm a human!! I'm taking a human female as my wife
    Absalom: Think about it, Lola!! You're a female wart hog!!! Furthermore a zombie!!! You're dead and rotting!!!

    Lola: Ah! *pointing to over there* *Absalom looks into that direction*
    *placing a marriage registration table and by grabbing his arm painting Absalom's finger*

    Lola: OKAY!!!
    Absalom: WHOW! LET GO!!!

    Absaloma: Oh!! .... OH!! What the flying duck are you up to, trying to sign a marriage registration all by yourself!!! [<- In Japan they use stamps to sign official documents]
    Lola: Pwease hold your finger out, Absalom!!! Teehee!!!

    Lola tries to get hold of his finger, Absalom dodges

    Absalom: Whow!! I don't wanna be haunted by a dead animal for all eternity!!!
    Lola: Bridal Martial Arts!!! Eternal Oath Kiss!!!

    This time a kiss attack. Absalom on the other hand defends

    Absalom: Wait!! Lola, listen you turd!!! Okay, I....!! I've already decided on the woman who will become my wife!! Although she's unsure, she's a quality human female, weak and alive!!
    Lola: Teehee!! You're going to fail again after all
    Absalom: You fool, look!!! *shows her a photo of Nami*
    Absalom: She's one of the pirates who got on the island... she's appropriate as a wife for this beautiful me!! Your curse reaches even as far as this.... [or something]

    Lola: I won't let you! I'll erase that woman!!!!

    Lola dashes off, Absalom comes after her
    Absalom: No stop!!! Wait, Lolaaa

    Scene changes to Perona's

    Perona: Yo, Bearsy!! [Kumacy]
    Bearsy: Ye....
    Perona: The Risky Brothers are bringing the coffin here. When you receive it, send it to Master's dancehall! Okay?
    Perona: Got it or not!?
    Bearsy: ....... yes
    Perona: Don't answer!! That's not cute!! I'll now be taking the commando for the treasure collecting group on the ship then

    Bearsy sees her off waving

    Perona: Hm....!! That's right, when you keep quiet, you're cute!!
    Bearsy: ......... god speed........

    Perona: YOU COW!! Now you're mumbling!! ["speaking subdued"?]

    Risky Brothers [it's a pun on "risu" = squirrel] walk in bringing the coffin

    Riskies: Echoecho - Deliver deliver to Master!! - Kyakkya!
    [Note: apparently, they're rhyming. and maybe beatboxing too, but I can't tell for sure. Also: too lazy to come up with good english rhymes now, sorry]
    They slip and fall down
    Riskies: Oh no it went wrong!! - Went wrong!! Did fall! - The delivery for our master!!

    The coffin opens

    Riskies: The coffin, it opened!! - Wah, and awakened!! - Hurry and hit it!! Kill it with one hit!! - But killing is bad!! - Then just do it half dead!! - Half dead!!

    Chopper: Huh? ........ this is
    Riskies: SHAAA!! *trying to cut him with an axe*
    Chopper: DAMN YOU!!! *Chopper hits the Riskies*
    Riskies: Bohaaa!!

    Chopper: Ah! Usopp, Nami!! Hey!! Pull yourselves together!! Open your eyes!
    Nami: ............. uh.....
    Usopp: ......!! Ow-ow-ouch... buh? That samurai... did he actually... hit us with the back of the sword...!?
    Nami: This is outside... it has rained a bit, the ground is wet
    Chopper: I dunno but these squirrels were in the middle of transporting us in this box
    Usopp: WHOW! Isn't that a coffin!?

    Riskies: Aw snap, now all three opened their eyes!! - How terrible, we gotta call our allies!!

    The Riskies dash off

    Nami: This place... looks like it's the back of the mansion. And Hogback's lab was on the highest floor over there
    Chopper: ... hey, over there!! On the other side there's an even rawer building!!

    A totally huge building

    Usopp: Huh, what's that...!? There was .... such a huge building behind the mansion....!!?
    Nami: .... now I get what this place is. It's the passage from the mansion to that building!
    Usopp: Passage?! ... it's pretty vast to be that!! And it's completely forest!! [it's hard when they talk about stuff you need to see..]
    Usopp: ... no, even if it's a forest, it's something different... it's that while we were unconscious we got transported here....
    Usopp: Were we definitely supposed to be transported over to that building

    Nami: Maybe we were transported there to be made into zombies!!
    Chopper: GYAAAAA~~~!!!

    Nami just tries to proceed (her eyes became $-signs)
    Behind them three penguins

    Penguins: One!! - Two!! - Ah, three....
    Penguins: Hello! We - are the Penguin Zombie Combi!! Ah! I mean... - Trio, we're a trio now, I'm the new guy
    Chopper: WHATEVER!! Who cares about your member circumstances!?
    Penguin: But when we go behind you we're the ally animal zombies!! [don't get what's the point here]
    All: Eh?
    Animal Zombies: Welcome!! - To Perona's Strange Garden!!

    All: Although they're so insanely strange, one can only go as far as to say "gross"!!! [<- but what does it MEAN *jack skellington*]

    AZs: And we're going wring you out viciously!!! [I'm totally assuming here. What does "kechonkechon" mean? Halp please]

    They get surrounded by the zombies and Usocho get attacked or something

    Nami: Chopper, Usopp!!!
    Nami: !?

    Zombie: I'll half kill you too!!!
    Nami: Ah---

    The new guy: Stop it! *kicking the zombie*
    Zombie: Hey, new guy!!!! What are you doing to your allies!!? That woman is the enemy!! You gotta beat THEM up!!!
    New guy: ...... I don't know who this lady is or where she's from... but I'll have to disobey to Master's order, even if I die!!!! I'll never kick a woman!!! If you gotta problem with that, bring it.... YOU SHIT ZOMBIES!!!
    [Note: You know which character's trademark is the word "shit", do you?]

    The scene changes
    Luffy: Hey! Oink!! What're up to again!? That's is strange... now Zorro disappeared, too!?

    This week's end

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von Achilles ()

  • erster^^
    hoffentlich eghts weiterhin so ab
    mal lesen.....ich post nachher nomml was ^^ *biggrin*

    edit: kein wort verstanden, zu unübersihtlcih, ich wart lieber auf anderes *rolleyes* *glare*

    was labert der da, ach wayne......wollt au mal toll sein (so cool wie du kann mannatürlich ned sein, aber man darfs versuchen *tongue* *cursing* *glare* *blink*)

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von mugiwaran ()

  • Original von mugiwara

    DEnkste jetzt du wärst cool?? Hatte vorhin schon die Gelegenheit als erster zu posten habs aber gelassen weil es mir unsinnig erschien zu SO WENIG Infos nen Beitrag zu schreiben. Jetzt gibt es zwar nen längeren Text aber viel mehr Infos bringt der auch nicht rüber... Jaja man sollte ab und zu mal seinen Verstand einschalten und erst dann posten wenn es was zu posten gibt....

    (Das war jetzt nicht auf Mugiwara bezogen sondern auf ALLE User AUCH AUF MICH-ich hab auch schon sinnfrei gepostet)
  • Was sind das denn für Viecher?

    Hund, Katze und was soll das Ding bei Absalom sein? Eine Kuh oder eine Ur-ur-alte Zombie-Cocolo?

    Seltsam, was Oda uns da schon wieder antut...

    Aber wenigstens scheinen zumindest Ruffy, Robin und Frankie das Schloss erreicht zu haben. Zorro und Sanji sind ja nirgendwo zu sehen, sind die auch noch bei den andern?

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Sheppard ()

  • ja, viel sinn seh in der übersetzung nicht nur der satz hats mir angetan:
    “gear ~~~~~~!!!”

    hat das ruffy gesagt? die pics sind ja auch nicht aufschluss reich.
    It’s rotating, the sand, rotating.
    If destiny is made of gears, and we are the sand in between that is torn apart, there’s nothing left to do but being powerless.
    I just want power. If I cannot protect by just extending my hand, I want a blade so I can reach in front of her.
    The power to crush destiny looks like a blade that is swung down.

    Thus the blade is swung down.
  • wie es aussieht werden schon wieder neue charakter vorgestellt
    deer hund ist aber gelungen finde ich warten wir aud weitere bilder
    ich hoffe es das die kämpfe im thriller bark endlich beginnen
    Mein Homer ist kein Kommunist. Er ist vielleicht ein Lügner, ein Schwein, ein Idiot und ein Kommunist, aber ist kein Porno-Star!

    Grandpa Simpson
  • Tjoa wohl ein magier *biggrin*

    Nein ich glaub das sind so ganz kleine fische. so hunde und katzen, vll gegner für chopper. die bilder sind zumindest lustig. die kuh da, sieht aus wie cocolo.

    wenn zorro nicht da ist, heißt das er hat sich 100 pro verlaufen.
    bei sanji ist das ja normal, vll hat er den geheimgang entdeckt. aber zorro...

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von OneX ()

  • im zweiten bild kann man nami erkennen, d.h. daass ihr nichts passiert ist (--> chopper und lysop geht es wahrscheinlich auch gut)

    im arlongparkforum sind schon die abstrusesten theorien entstanden, dass ryuma durch brooks TK von eben diesem kontrolliert werden kann und den 3 extra nichts angetan hat....
    was macht denn die kuh mit absolom... nen fingerabdruck?

    man kann bei moria wohl von einem kg von 370 000 000 berry ausgehen.

    steht irgendwo in einem spoilertext auf mangahelpers

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Rickmcphail ()

  • zumindest kann man davon ausgehen, dass diese viecher zu perona gehören... sie is ja die kommandantin der tier-zombies.
    jetzt gehen neben ihren überraschungszombies bald wrsl auch ihre tierzombies drauf...
    "After all this time we've been together - How many miracles have you seen?"
  • mhh naja nen paar nichtssagende bilder und nen text den kein mensch versteht ...
    der spoiler is bis jetzt nich wirklich aussagekräftig, mal abwarten was noch kommt
    Ncah eeinr Sutide ist es vllöig eagl wie die Bhuctsaebn in eneim Wrot aengndoreet snid!
    Njaa, nihct vlolkmomen, der esrte und der ltezte müessn da sien.
  • hier mal so ungefähr, was passiert (ausm ap forum):

    It seems the drunken zombie general is called "Jon" and the boar (or whatever that is) is called Roora (or "Lola", or some other romanization) and wants to marry Absalom. Absalom refuses, saying that Lola is not only a boar, but also dead and a rotting zombie (that was harsh :P). Lola insists, sending Absalom a "Kiss of Promise" (Chikai no Kiss). Absalom explains he has already chosen someone else, then shows a picture of Nami. The boar says it'll have to get rid of her and dashes, with Absalom telling her/it to stop.

    Scene changes to Perona telling Kumashii (translation needed) to receive the box from Risky and deliver it to the boss' dance hall and complaining about Kumashii not being cute (kawaii).

    Scene changes to Chopper, Usopp and Nami waking up inside some box carried by this Risuki (Risky?) dude. Nami notices that it's raining at this place, but Chopper notices they should about the guy that was carrying them inside the box. Risky freaks out when they wake up and escapes, asking for help. They're somewhere behind the mansion, and there's some huge building there. (Nami notices there's a corridor that connects the mansion to this building, or something like that).

    They start heading towards it, when the 3 weird penguins plus more zombies from the images show up and welcome them to Perona's garden. The zombies attack the trio, cornering Usopp and Chopper. Before the zombies get Nami, one of the penguins (has no name, he's called "newcomer") kicks some zombies and tells them that even if it is his boss' orders, he won't hurt a lady, saying that if they (the zombies) have any complaints, they can challenge him.

    Scene goes back to Luffy asking the pig what he's planning. Even Zoro has dissapeared.
    [CENTER]If we collect the fragments of dreams, it’ll become the map we face tomorrow.. Therefore, let’s grasp our wishes under the same flag![/CENTER]

  • Das werden ja immer mehr also die sind bestimmt nicht alle so Stark..
    370 Mille Moria *blink* das wär ja mehr als Flamingos dann muss Moria echt Saugefährlich sein.
    Aber mal abwarten das muss nicht stimmen andererseits wer mal sehen.

    Vanished Gecko-Moria Old Bounty 370,000,000 ob das stimmt?

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von Rorona Zori ()

  • Muhahaha, wen der letzte Spoiler passt, dann hat sich Torro mal wieder verlaufen, herrlich!
    Was diese wierd Gestalten angeht, dass dürften jawohl nicht die größten Fische sein, vor allem diese Kuh und dieser Hund, naja, nicht sehr überzeugend als Gegner.

    „Wer mit Ungeheuern kämpft, mag zusehn, dass er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird. Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein.“

    Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

  • Moria "nur" 370.000.000 Berry?

    Soviel mehr als Ruffy oder Flamingo ist das nicht, ich hätte mehr was zwischen 400-450 Mille gehofft. *glare*
    Naja *laugh*

    Mal schauen, die neue Charaktere werden wirklich nich viel bringen. Das komische Kuh-Cocolo-Monster könnt ich mir vorstellen, dass es kämpfen "kann". So wie Oda während dieser gesamten Arc schon drauf war würde mich so etwas nicht wundern. *lol*