One Piece Blue Deep: Characters World

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    • Hat jemand ne Ahnung wie man an das databook rankommt (blue deep)? Also ne Internet-Seite hab ich bisher nicht gefunden. Wenn jemand nen Laden oder Firma kennt, die das online verkaufen bzw. bei denen man es bestellen kann wäre echt super. Hier ist die beste Möglichkeit um an Informationen ranzukommen also hab ich mir gedacht "Versuch ich mal, warum nicht."
      May I introduce? Roronoa Zoro, the world´s greatest swordsman!!
    • zorro4ever2 schrieb:

      Hat jemand ne Ahnung wie man an das databook rankommt (blue deep)? Also ne Internet-Seite hab ich bisher nicht gefunden. Wenn jemand nen Laden oder Firma kennt, die das online verkaufen bzw. bei denen man es bestellen kann wäre echt super. Hier ist die beste Möglichkeit um an Informationen ranzukommen also hab ich mir gedacht "Versuch ich mal, warum nicht."

      Ich selbst kann dir da OCS empfehlen. Die Preise sind halbwegs vernünftig, aber die Lieferzeit geht ein wenig lang. Link -->

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      Edit.: nvm gibt es wohl immer noch nur in japanisch wenn ich das gerade richtig sehe? Dann hat sich das erledigt, trotzdem danke für deine Hilfe. :thumbup:
      May I introduce? Roronoa Zoro, the world´s greatest swordsman!!

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von zorro4ever2 ()

    • YetiCoolRock90 schrieb:

      Mal eine Frage an Deep Blue: erfährt man darin was über die neuen samurai konstellation? Spricht die 4 alten, law und die 2 neuen?
      und was kostet es den und wann kommt es eigentlich?
      Nein, erfährt man nicht. Auf deutsch wird es bestimmt nächstes Jahr erscheinen und wenn du es auf japanisch bei OCS holst (was ich auch getan habe) dann bezahlst du (ohne Versand) 16,95€ so viel habe ich zumindest bezahlt, als ich es mir im OCS in Düsseldorf gekauft habe.
      Mitte Anfang/Mitte November gibt Carlsen das neue Frühjahrsprogramm raus, vielleicht ist es ja dann schon dabei.
    • Weil hier meines Erachtens noch einige schon übersetzte Informationen fehlen, auch wenn diese schon etwas älter sind, erlaube ich mir mal ein paar Quotes zu posten, die Übersetzungen von One Piece Deep Blue enthalten. Credits gehen alle an Kumanri, der dies alles übersetzt hat.

      Kumanri schrieb:

      Monkey D. Luffy

      Chapter 1, Strawhat Pirates, Captain, DOB May 5

      An unshakable faith which he sworn on the hat!! His goal is to become the great Pirate King!!
      The Strawhat Pirates roam freely as they sail on the Grandline! Luffy overcame numerous barriers and made a name for himself in a top level battle and he further trained his Gomu Gomu Fruit ability for 2 years! His next aim will be to meet Red Hair Shanks once more. After which, his goal will be the One Piece!!

      "Only one person is needed to be the Pirate King!!!"

      Character data:
      Age: 19
      Height: 174cm
      Zodiac: Taurus
      Origin: Windmill Village
      Bounty price: 400 million Beri
      DF: Gomu Gomu Fruit

      Top picture caption:
      He gains new powers in order to brave new adventures! After 2 years of training, the Strawhat Pirates set sail on Thousand Sunny once more!!

      Bottom picture caption:
      12 years ago, this was the dream he proclaimed when he set off for the seas. After gaining new powers, Luffy has absolute confdence and could proclaim his dream once more.

      Evolution: After 2 years of training...the power of Haki became Luffy's possession!!

      He learns the 3 types of Haki in a short period of time........!
      Perception Haki, Armament Haki and Conqueror Haki. Luffy trained under he tutelage of Rayleigh in order to acquire these 3 types of Haki. Luffy possesses a very strong determination "to protect all the people important to me", hence he endured the arduous training daily and mastered all the Haki types. Now, he has both great powers and an unshakable confidence!!

      Caption top:
      The Armament Haki, Plus Gear 3!! An invsible armour wraps and solidifies around the giant arm, Luffy is able to wield a power so great that what he could do 2 years ago could not compare!!

      Caption middle:
      The haki power of Conqueror Haki is great enough to knock 50000 people unconscious...!! As Luffy's power improves, his Conqueror Haki's power will also increase in precision!!

      Caption below:
      Hody's Yabusame projectiles are like falling rain!! However, when Luffy activated his Haki, he was able to evade all of them!!

      12 years ago: the dream to become a great pirate which he sworn with his brothers!!
      When Luffy encountered Shanks at the age of 7, he had the dream to become the pirate king. After this, he was sent by Garp to live in Mt. Colubo and that was the time he spent with his sworn brothers and trained himself...!!

      Picture 1:
      Luffy, saved by Red Hair Shanks. He became aware of the greatness of Shanks and the coolness of pirates (at that time).

      Picture 2:
      Luffy was given to the Dadan family, mountain bandits of Mt. Colubo, for custody. He exchanged vows with Ace and Sabo and they shared the dreams of embarking onto freedom at sea!!

      Picture 3:
      Sabo was laid to rest in the complete opposite of what was called "freedom".... Luffy vowed to become stronger in order to live life without "regrets" on behalf of Sabo!!

      Picture 4:
      Luffy when he was 14. After he sent off Ace on his journey, Luffy began to train himself in the Gomu Gomu Fruit powers before he himself set sail 3 years later.

      2 years ago: Sailing on the seas of survival!!
      Luffy sets sail on his journey to become the pirate king. As he encountered numerous adventures, he charges onto the freedom at sea together with his companions!! He adopted the name Strawhat Pirates for his crew and they became the problematic rookie pirate group that gained the attention of the world!!

      Picture 1:
      He defeated a sea monster using the skills he trained in and set sail with high spirits!! He charged into the Grand Line with a bounty of 30 million Beri on his head.

      Picture 2:
      He declared war on the World Government at Enies Lobby. He defeated CP9 and his bounty rose to 300 million Beri.

      Picture 3:
      He participated in the high-level battle in order to rescue his brother Ace!! The greatness of the world appeared before his eyes...!!

      Picture 4:
      He recovered despite losing his brother!! He began to train himself in order to protect everything he cares for!!

      Relationship chart:
      Tracking him: the Marines (Borsalino, Kuzan, Sakazuki, Sengoku, Coby, Smoker, Monkey D. Garp)
      Grandfather: Monkey D. Garp
      Took notice of (mutual): Marshall D. Teach
      Father: Monkey D. Dragon
      Teacher: Silvers Rayleigh
      Sworn brothers: Sabo, Portgas D. Ace
      Respects for: Shanks
      Nakama (Companions): Nefertari Vivi, Caroo, SH Pirates
      Benefactors: Boa Hancock, Emporio Ivankov, Jimbei
      Friend: Bansom (Mr. 2)
      Aided him: Trafalgar Law, Bartholomew Kuma


      Chapter 574, pirate, DOB Mar 20

      Luffy's sworn brother who pursued for freedom at sea!!
      The ex-noble youngster who resided at Gray Terminal Station. He exchanged the oaths of brotherhood (the sakazuki ceremony) with Ace and Luffy and he set his dreams on the sea.

      Caption on picture:
      He was ashamed of the nature of the noble circle in the society since he was a child and attempted to run away.

      Person who understands him: Monkey D. Dragon
      Made an oath with: Ace and Luffy
      Detested: family members
      Freeloaded from: Carly Dadan


      Chapter 43, Strawhat Pirates, Cook, DOB March 2

      "I...choose "death"... in order to let him fulfill him dreams...!!!!"

      "Black Leg Sanji" - Cook of the Strawhat Pirates crew and kicking expert!!
      He is the first class cook of the sea that takes care of the stomachs of the Strawhat Pirates!! He tests all kinds of food ingredients and his culinary skills is top class in the world!! Moreover, he is highly proficient in the kicking style of combat inherited from his teacher, Zeff, the Great Leg. In fights, Sanji makes a fine dish out of his opponents by beating them to a pulp.

      Character data:
      Age: 21
      Height: 180cm
      Zodiac: Pisces
      Origin: North Blue
      Bounty Price: 77 million Beri

      Picture top:
      He is always madly in love in front of ladies!! His chivalrous nature makes him want to protect ladies all the time. He is the man among men!!

      Picture bottom:
      Using a high-speed spinning, he surrounds his leg with flames to create the "Diable Jambe" kicking technique and engulfs his strong foes in flames!!

      Past: From the time of his calamity since young to becoming the sous chef!!
      Sanji was serving as an apprentice cook in a passenger ship when it was attacked by Zeff's Cook Pirates!! However, a storm brew and the ships ran aground. Sanji and Zeff endured a survival trial of 85 days and after this ordeal, they set up a sea restaurant...

      Picture top:
      Sanji dreamt about finding the legendary All Blue. His zeal greatly shook the heart of Zeff, the supposed plunderer.

      Picture bottom:
      Sanji was able to live on due to Zeff's sacrifice. He then helped Zeff to fulfill his dream.

      2 years ago: He set off to find the All Blue!!
      As the sous chef of the sea restaurant Baratie, Sanji was polishing his culinary skills when he met Luffy and his crew and his grand dream to search for the All Blue was ignited once more. From then, he joined the Strawhat crew and set off for the Grand Line...!!

      Top picture:
      Sanji was fixated on repaying Zeff's favor. Nevertheless, Luffy's voice rang strongly in his heart.

      Bottom picture:
      His tears fell as he bowed his head; Sanji aims to search for the All Blue, the sea where all the seafood ingredients are gathered.

      Relationship chart:
      Detests: Absalom
      Benefactor: Zeff
      Nakama (Companions): Strawhat Pirates
      Benefactors (but he hates them): New-Kama

      Evolution: After Sanji's training for the past 2 years...can he walk on the sea and in the air now?!
      Sanji arrived at the All-Okama Kingdom after a struggle. This is the paradise of the New-Kama. At the same time, this place is hell for Sanji!! Nonetheless, Sanji was determined to beat all 99 of his assistant instructors in order to learn the 99 Vital Recipes of the New-Kama Fist Technique. Hence, fighting ensued for 2 years...!!

      Left picture:
      The 2 years he spent in the All-Okama Kingdom was a horrible nightmare for the man among men, Sanji!!

      Bottom picture:
      The New Kamas attacked without stopping. In order to escape from their assaults, Sanji self-taught and mastered the Rokushiki "Moonwalk" technique!!

      Roronoa Zoro
      Chapter 2, Strawhat Pirates, Combatant, DOB Nov 11

      Setting his sight to be the first in the world! The triple-sword swordsman who fires up in battles!!
      He is a member of the Strawhat Pirates and a strong warrior with a bounty price that exceeded a hundred million beri. He wields three swords with ease and fights with the triple-sword style. He enjoys the challenge in difficult situations and does not flinch from facing adversaries stronger than himself. His dream is to become the number one swordsman in the world, hence he sets his eyes on the New World where famous and powerful fighters await him!!

      "I came because I heard some commotion.... So here I am!!!"

      Character data:
      Age: 21
      Height: 181 cm
      Zodiac: Scorpio
      Origin: East Blue's Shimotsuki Village
      Bounty: 120,000,000 beri

      Caption on the right:
      Did he cleave a lost ship into two?! Although he has absolutely no sense of direction, his sword prowess is distinct!!

      Caption on the left:
      He cleanly cuts metal armour into two like the sycthes of a Death God. A great tornado spins as he cleaves his way through to the bottom of hell!!

      Past story: His dream to become a great swordsman as a vow to his dead friend!!
      His battle score: 0 victories 2001 defeats. Kuina - the girl that Zoro, number one in the dojo in his childhood days, could never beat. Today, Zoro continues to spur himself on the road of swordsmanship as his oath to his dead friend!

      Caption top:
      He showed his determination to Kuina that becoming the strongest swordsman is his dream.

      Caption bottom:
      Zoro carried the dreams of his friend Kuina who died in an accident. His sorrow of parting with a friend lies hidden in this dream.

      2 years ago: From "pirate hunter" to becoming a pirate!!

      Zoro was infamous as a pirate bounty hunter in the East Blue. He became Luffy's nakama after he was saved by Luffy. Here, he cleaves open a path of adventures together with his companions!!

      Caption top:
      He will not go against his beliefs and live in a regrettable manner!! He makes clear his ideas of justice and rejected Luffy's invitation in the beginning!!

      Caption bottom:
      It was all tied to the dream he had with his fellow swordsman!! He broke out of his confines and made the decision to become a pirate!!

      Made a promise to: Kuina
      Former teacher: Koushirou
      His companions (nakama): Strawhat Pirates
      His teacher and goal: Dracule Mihawk
      Thankful to: Perona
      Unable to deal with: Tashigi

      Evolution: "Onigiri" gets a major power up after his training with the world's number one swordsman!!
      In order to enter the New World with his companions, he stepped on the road of gruelling training with Mihawk!! The scar etched on his left eye was a fresh momento, enough to signify the harshness of the training he underwent...

      Caption top:
      The proud and obstinate Zoro would kneel before the world's number one swordsman!? Regardless of pride or shame, Zoro discarded all of them in order to obtain the power to protect his friends!!

      Caption bottom:
      Zoro exploded with a powerful sword slash that closely resembled Mihawk's!! It was a new technique that can slice the enemy into half with his hyper speed blade!!

      Blackbeard Pirates

      Vasco Shot

      Chapter 537, Blackbeard Pirates, DOB Aug 5

      The crude and violent alcoholic who was released from prison!!
      A great criminal who was locked up in Impel Down for a long period of time and deemed to be a dangerous person who would disrupt the world's peace. He seized the chance given by Blackbeard to escape from prison and did not hesitate to trap his fellow inmates. He then openly became a member of the Blackbeard Pirates. He gets his thrill from alcohol and seeks to plunge the world into greater chaos.

      Comment for top picture:
      The Blackbeard Pirates is made up of nothing but a group of bizarre ruffians. The individual presence can be clearly felt even if you are in the group.

      Comment for bottom picture:
      Shot has the nickname of the "Great Drinker". He craves to drink and the piling crimes he committed are innumerable.

      Marshall D. Teach (Blackbeard)

      Chapter 133, Blackbeard Pirates, Captain, DOB Aug 3

      He vies for the top spot in the era!! The ambitious person with the power of Darkness!!
      He was previously a member of the Whitebeard Pirates and he left the crew after betraying his comrade!! He formed the Blackbeard Pirates in order to reign over the Great Piracy Era. After killing Whitebeard in a top level battle, he sets off into the New World. What will his next motive be!?

      "I can be anything I want to be in this world!!!"

      Character data:
      Age: 40
      Height: 344cm
      Zodiac sign: Leo
      Bounty: 0 Beri (2 years ago)
      Devil Fruit: Yami Yami (Darkness) Fruit / Gura Gura (Tremor) Fruit

      Comment for top picture:
      Blackbeard showing ecstacy upon obtaining Whitebeard's powers. He now sits in the centre of the new storm of the world!!

      Comment for bottom picture:
      Those who are caught by the darkness will be swept into the dark whirlpool. No one can escape the gravity pull from within!!

      This is certainly the strongest power!! The tremendous powers of both darkness and earthquake!!
      He advances his piracy conquest with both powers in his hands!!
      He stole Whitebeard's DF powers by an unknown means after the latter perished in a top level battle...!! This was something that common knowledge could not explain and what the people witnessed was something that had never occurred before. A secret that can make impossible things possible lies hidden in Teach's mutated body...!!

      Comment for top picture:
      Teach bragging that he is the most powerful after obtaining 2 DF powers. His overwhelming powers will bring about mankind's greatest fear and loss of hope...!!

      Comment for bottom picture:
      The base of justice that protects the seas of the world crumbles in an instant!! The threat of the Gura Gura Fruit did not end there!!

      Past story:
      The long days of waiting for the perfect opportunity to come by
      He continued to keep a low profile even though he possessed the ability to injure Shanks. Everything he did was to obtain the Yami Yami Fruit as his final objective!!F

      Comment for top picture:
      He lurked in the dark, waiting for his chance and stayed unnoticed by those around him.

      Comment for bottom picture:
      He would lay his hands on his friends in order to achieve his purpose!! At last, the Fruit of his dreams came into his possession...!!

      Relationship chart:
      His companions (nakama): Blackbeard pirates
      Betrayed: Edward Newgate
      His ex-commanding officer: Portgas D. Ace
      Fateful relation with: Whitebeard Pirates
      Defeated: Jewelry Bonny


      Chapter 133, Blackbeard Pirates, Navigator, DOB Mar 13

      The aloof looking hypnotist with a suspicious grin etched on his face
      He was well-known to be an ex-sheriff in the West Blue. Due to his excessive deployment of violence, he was ousted from office and eventually, he joined the Blackbeard Pirates crew. He was an eloquent navigator who negotiated with the World Government to allow Blackbeard to join the Royal Shichibukai.

      Comment for top picture:
      He infiltrated the sacred Mariejois with little difficulty using an unknown flying ability!!

      Comment for bottom picture:
      Using his specialty hypnotic powers, he overcame the guards at Impel Down!! Is there any place that this man cannot break into...!?

      Jesus Burgess
      Chapter 222, Blackbeard Pirates, Coxswain, DOB Dec 25

      The "fighting champion" who beats up strong enemies with his great arms!!
      A macho pirate who hides his true appearance under a mask and has a hearty laugh!! Together with Blackbeard, their group of only 5 people brought Drum Kingdom to its knees. Thereafter, he went around the world to k.o. other fighters.

      Comment for top picture:
      Under the skies of Mock Town, he stood on the rooftop and bellowed his hearty laughter!! He is immersed in his pleasure of defeating strong fighters.

      Comment for bottom picture:
      Needless to say, his mask stays on his face even when he eats! Will we ever see his real face one day!?


      Chapter 537, Blackbeard Pirates, DOB Jun 11

      The menacing slash that brings a rain of blood!! The previous Head Gaoler of Impel Down!!
      He was the previous Head Gaoler imprisoned due to his continuous killing of prisoners as he pleases. He wields his weapon freely and will even backstab his companions in order to achieve his objectives.

      Comment for top picture:
      As soon as he was relieved of his prisoner status, he killed and got rid of his comrades!! There was not even a slight hesitation found on his saber!

      Comment for bottom picture:
      He was drawn by Blackbeard's calibre and he joined the Blackbeard Pirates together with the ex-prisoners.


      Chapter 223, Doc Q's beloved horse, April 16

      The beloved worn-out horse ridden by Doc Q!!
      The white horse that Doc Q often rides on to move around. Like his master Doc Q, Stronger is always ridden with illness.

      Comment for picture:
      He synchronises perfectly with Doc Q!! When his master collapsed, he would vomit blood dramatically at the same time!

      Doc Q

      Chapter 223, Blackbeard Pirates, Ship Doctor, DOB Oct 18

      The ship doctor of the Blackbeard Pirates who resigns himself to fate!!
      The ill-omened doctor of darkness who is thought of as a death god with a giant sickle!! While he and his beloved horse have extremely feeble bodies, somehow he is able to evade absolute dangers entirely. He is a man with extreme bad luck!!

      Comment for top picture:
      There is only one apple in the entire basket that is not a bomb!! He made the adventurer choose as he tests the power of fate.

      Comment on bottom picture:
      He believes that every thing has been decided from the start. He is a downright fatalist!!

      Avalo Pizzaro

      Chapter 576, Blackbeard Pirates, DOB Sep 30

      From the prison to the great ocean! The foolish ruler is once again released into the world.
      The prisoner who was confined in Level 6 of Impel Down. He was released from prison due to Blackbeard's raid and joined his crew.

      Comment on top picture:
      A world-class criminal known as the "Corrupt King". Now as Blackbeard's companion (nakama), will he make the world tremble with his every deed?!

      Comment on bottom picture:
      He volunteered to be the captain in place of Blackbeard. It is quite clear that he is a person who harbours strong ambitions.

      Van Augur

      Chapter 222, Blackbeard Pirates, Sniper, DOB Oct 5

      The sonic sniper who resigns himself to fate
      He was a crew member of the Blackbeard Pirates Group since its formation and served as the gang's sniper. A capable person with the nickname of "Faster than Sound", he could accurately shoot down flying seagulls from afar.

      Comment on top picture:
      He is not just a sniper but he is also a fast attacker. During the confrontation with Ace, he could fire a canon in an instant.

      Comment on bottom picture:
      To Augur, everyday is a crossroad for fate. Will the journey end in heaven or in hell!?

      Catarina Devon

      Chapter 538, Blackbeard Pirates, DOB Mar 29

      "A dangerous criminal who escaped from Level 6 of Impel Down, with the nickname of the "Crescent Moon Hunter"!"
      She is the worst female criminal in history to be imprisoned in the lowest level of Impel Down. She is a witch-like pirate characterized by her gaudy make-up and clothes and a high nose bridge. She managed to escape from prison due to Blackbeard's help and joined the Blackbeard Pirates ever since. She has a distinctive laugh that goes, "Murunfufufu" which she uses to sneer at an opponent.

      Comment for top picture:
      She is proficient with the spear and her skill was demonstrated when she pierced Whitebeard without mercy.

      Comment for bottom picture:
      Her dress sense is top among the female pirates as she dresses herslf stylishly even though she wears only a prisoner's garb.

      Sanjuan Wolf

      Chapter 537, Blackbeard Pirates, DOB Mar 2

      The Big Size (person) feared by the world!! He is known as the "Giant Battleship" by people!!

      A former Level 6 prisoner in Impel Down with a body that is as huge as an island. After he was released by Blackbeard, he joined his pirate crew.

      Comment on top picture:
      Due to Wolf's enormous size, the Blackbeard pirates are constrained in their movement. So even though they plotted to steal a Marine battleship...

      Comment on bottom picture:
      Wolf's weak point is his huge body size which caused him to be seen easily. He often had to conceal himself in the nearby waters where his gang parks the ship!! Will anyone discover the ship used to transport Wolf then!?

      Shanks:The great “Red Haired” pirate known as one of the four “Yonkous”!!

      Having been an apprentice sailor on Roger’s pirate fleet, Shanks started to stand out and now, he is one of the Yonkous and a top gun in the New World!! He possess both overwhelming personality and magnanimity, hence he stands at the top in the pirate world but at the same time, he is able to freely (indulge) in exploration to the very end.

      “Come…!!! We shall be your opponent!!!”

      Character data:
      Age: 39
      Zodiac sign: Pisces
      Place of birth: West Blue

      Comment for top picture (Shanks’ face):
      He dislikes unnecessary fighting and is able to manage affairs with his good foresight. He is someone that even Sengoku acknowledged!!

      Comment for bottom picture:
      Even with one arm, his power is overwhelming!! He could stop Akainu’s Logia attack with his sword!!

      Comment for right hand side top picture:
      He intimidates others with his powerful Haki. Weak individuals will find it impossible to remain conscious in the presence of the Red Hair’s Haki!!

      Comment for right hand side bottom picture:
      Shanks standing in front of Whitebeard and Ace’s graves. Shanks shows respect to any great men, whether they are his adversaries or not.

      Relationship chart
      Ex-captain: Gold D. Roger
      Respects: Edward Newgate
      Ex-comrade: Buggy
      Places his hopes on: Monkey D. Luffy:
      Companions (Nakama): Red Haired Pirates Group
      Rival: Dracule Mihawk
      Guards against: Marshall D. Teach

      Past:Sails the high seas!!

      Shanks became independent after Roger’s death and he formed the Red Haired Pirates together with Yasopp and Beckman. They went through numerous legendary battles together and sailed high into the Grand Line. In a wink of an eye, his fame as a pirate rose to become one of the top in the world.

      Comment for top picture:
      12 years ago, he bequeathed his trademark strawhat to Luffy and made a promise with him to meet him again at sea.

      Comment for bottom picture:
      When Luffy’s adopted brother Ace visited him, he threw a feast for his guest.

      2 years ago
      “He became the central figure to stop the “War”!!”
      Known as the Yonkou, he became a noticeable great pirate in the world. However, Shanks is troubled by the reckless upheaval of the era and he made efforts to stop the outbreak of war at the top. He holds the key to ending the conflicts after the war as he made his way to Marine Ford…

      Comment for top picture:
      He boarded the enemy ship Moby Dick all by himself. He talked to Whitebeard directly.

      Comment for bottom picture:
      Shanks made an appearance at Marine Ford!! His presence brought the top level conflict to an end…!!

      Dracule Mihawk

      Possessing the piercing eyes of the hawk, he is the world’s greatest swordsman!!

      The man who stands at the top, reigning over the path of the sword for many long years!! He carries on his back one of the twelve greatest swords, the Black Sword (Yoru) and as one member of the Royal Shichibukai, he continues to sail alone to hunt for pirates. When will an opponent appear to end the days of boredom for Mihawk?!

      “I do not remember the face of every single insect!!!”

      Character data:
      Age: 43
      Height: 198cm
      Zodiac sign: Aries

      Comment on top picture:
      He is always ready to accept an opponent’s challenge! When he acknowledges an opponent, he will return his respects by using the strongest sword – the Black Sword.

      Comment on bottom picture:
      His sword slash encompasses both elements of hardness and softness and there is nothing he cannot slice into two!! Mihawk could even slash the gigantic piece of ice neatly into two pieces…!!

      2 years ago
      He joined in the top battle (at Marine Ford) as per his agreement with the Marine Headquarters. After that, what awaited Mihawk when he returned to Kuraigane Island was somehow Zoro. He wanted to become stronger for Luffy’s sake – to this, Mihawk accepted him as his disciple on the account of his sincerity.

      Comment for Top picture:
      He met the Strawhats in battle. During then, Mihawk the Hawkeye saw the man (Luffy)’s qualities.

      Comment for bottom picture:
      He instructed swordsmanship to the man who may aim to take his life eventually. His strange teacher and disciple relationship with Zoro thus began…!!

      Relationship chart:
      Rival: Shanks
      Discovers the qualities of: Monkey D. Luffy
      Disciple: Roronoa Zoro
      Allowed to lodge at his place: Perona
      Signed the Shichibukai pact with: World Government


      Kumanri schrieb:

      One piece Blue Deep pages 292-293

      What is the new "justice" that the Marines are about to reveal!?
      After the top level battle concluded, the Marines became aware of the dawning of a new era and they too imposed a new (ruling) system. The top post changed hands after the decommissioning of the two heroes Sengoku and Garp. The Marine Headquarters was shifted to the New World in view of greater conflicts with the pirates in the future. This is the symbol of the Justice force's determination.

      First picture at the top:
      Sengoku stepping down from the Fleet Admiral position to show his faith in justice in the next generation.

      Second picture:
      The Marines' Headquarters at Marineford will be shifted to the New World.

      Picture at the bottom:
      New powers continue to join the Marines. The force of Justice will grow stronger definitely!!

      The pirates' battle for supremacy at sea!!

      Blackbeard, the eye of the storm who dealt the final blow to Whitebeard. Kidd, Drake and others who are known as the Supernovas. These new age pirates who entered the New World have sharpened their swords having experienced power struggles for the past 2 years. Will the person who can rule over the seas finally emerge...!?

      Top picture:
      Even Shanks, one of the Yonkous foresaw Blackbeard's ermergence and became wary of him...

      Bottom picture:
      The valour of the Supernovas in the past are still legendary today...!!


      Kumanri schrieb:

      Fighting spirit, killing aura, belligerence… when a person is able to control such invisible sensations at will, his willpower becomes a weapon! Such great power is known to people as “haki”…!!

      Ways of acquiring haki

      Acquiring it through training
      When a person trains repeatedly, his greatest hidden potential will be unleashed! Self-confidence and actual fighting experience are factors that are necessary to achieve this.

      Natural talent
      Some aspects of haki require the user to be born with the inherent talent. The greater the hidden power, the more likely it is for the user to use it unconsciously.

      Awakened during fights
      When a person is placed in fights where the mind and body are pushed to the limits, the ability that lies dormant will be awakened suddenly! Training is needed in order for the user to manipulate haki at ease.

      The 3 types of “haki” with different abilities
      3 different types of haki exist and each has different effects. Whether a person can or cannot acquire haki will vary with their talent.

      Conqueror Type (Haou Shoku)
      Main users: Shanks, Rayleigh, Ace, Luffy and a few others

      Armament Type (Busou Shoku)
      Main users: Sentomaru, Marie Gold, Marco and many others

      Perception Type (Kenbun Shoku)
      Main users: Eneru, Coby, Sanda Sonia and many others

      Conqueror Type
      The in-born “kingly power” that overpowers all living things
      Among the haki types, this has the rarest number of users. By releasing the whole body’s aura and killing intention, the user can even make the surrounding people unconscious (with his haki). It is said that since the ancient times, many among the kings and rulers would possess this ability.

      Comment on left hand side picture:
      Those who are weak-minded will not be able to stay conscious in front of a conqueror type haki user!

      The conqueror’s aura that will grow in power together with the user as he develops

      Initial stage
      Activated when the user unleashed strong emotions
      The power of the conqueror type haki cannot be increased through training but it gets stronger only when the user’s mind and body develops. In the initial stage, the user will not be aware of this ability and it is usually unleashed at the point of strong emotions.

      Comment at picture:
      Ace discovered his conqueror haki at the age of 10! Could this also be an ability passed down to him by the Pirate King!?

      Intermediate stage
      Manipulated at will by the user
      As the user’s mental strength improves, he can control the haki! The user is even able to manipulate the timing of use, intensity and even the area of effect of the haki’s power. This ability can be used with great effect in a battle against many.

      Comment at picture:
      A person with Rayleigh’s haki expertise can even wring out his opponents with his powers!!

      Advanced stage
      Using intimidation to cause others to lose consciousness
      A true conqueror who possesses the power of the mind, body and spirit can release haki in all directions by merely intensifying his aura!! Such an aura is strong enough to shake ships and defeat seasoned fighters without even crossing swords…!!

      Comment at picture:
      The Whitebeard Pirates crew can only appear like this in front of Shanks!!

      Armament type
      Surrounding the body, the user's offense and defense capabilities increase!
      Armament haki is the type that improves the user's attack and defense like a weapon. Using this haki, the person can defend himself from a Devil Fruit user's attacks and even attack the DF user in return!!

      "The greatest and only means to counter DF users!!"

      Comment at picture:
      The Armament Haki is effective even against Logia users without a physical form!!

      The 3 main uses for the Armament Haki!

      Protects the body like an armour or shield!!
      The most basic way to use this haki is to surround the body with haki to protect against an opponent's attack. Not only does it protect the users from physical attacks, it can even seamlessly defend the user against DF attacks!!

      Used for attacks by increasing the offensive power!
      By concentrating the haki on a specific part of the body, it can be used in attacks!! The Armament ability increases the hardness of the fist or leg, thus transforming the limb into a weapon. The destructive power is incredible.

      Comment for picture:F
      The destructive power increases incredibly when the DF ability is combined with Armament Haki!!

      Lodging it with a weapon!
      This is the classic use of the Armament Haki. The Haki is imbued into a weapon on hand to greatly increase its power. An Armament Haki imbued weapon is effective against enemies who can neutralise the attacks from the rubber man or Logia type DF users. It can cause great damage to the opponent!

      Comment for picture:F
      An arrow imbued with haki is powerful enough to shatter a large tree trunk.

      Perception Type

      Sharpen the 5 senses and senses presence!

      This type of haki allows the user to sense the presence of living things and emotional changes surrounding him. It is not used only in fights but is effective in helping the user foresee dangers and evade them!

      Comment for picture:
      A person with Perception Haki is very skilled at evading attacks and can perceive the opponent's movement even with his eyes closed!! The user can also swiftly evade an attack on his blind spot.

      The different effects of the Perception Haki

      Foresee the enemy's moves!
      The user reads the opponent's mind and can sense his next move! It is an ability that can allow the user to avoid an enemy's attacks, foresees movements to land an attack and react to all kinds of situations.

      The "Mantra" is also a Perception Haki
      Eneru and Aisa et al are people who possess the Perception Type Haki!! Eneru combines the haki powers together with his Goru Goru DF in order to grasp any situations on Skypeia in a blink of an eye.

      Grasping the surroundings!
      By releasing Haki in all directions, the user can grasp the positions of all surrounding living objects without actually seeing them. As the skill and precision levels of the user increase, he can even gauge the extent of his opponent's prowess.

      Comment for picture:
      As the user's ability gets better, his perception area will also expand!

      Ability to hear unspoken words from others' minds!
      The user has the uncanny ability to sense the hidden sadness, anger in people even if their voices or attitudes are not let out! When the ability to sense such emotions is too strong, the haki user may also be overly affected by such emotions...!!

      Comments for picture:
      Coby was emotionally traumatised by the overwhelming sadness he sensed in the war.
    • Carlsen hat das voraussichtliche Programm für nächstes Jahr heraus gegeben.

      Im September erscheint der neue Guide ONE PIECE BLUE DEEP, der auf rund 300 Seiten nicht nur die neuesten Infos zur Serie, sondern auch das bisher unveröffentlichte Manga-Sonderkapitel STRONG WORLD Nr. 0 enthält (9,95 Euro (D)).

    • Hab so eben die Meldung von Amazon bekommen, dass die von mir bestellte Ausgabe
      von Blue Deep in den Versand gegangen sei. :thumbsup:

      Dort steht es jetzt auch offiziell als "auf Lager" und ist zu 9,95€ zu haben.


      Als ich eben nach Hause kam, lags schon im Briefkasten

      Rock 'n Roll saved my Soul

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von MonkeyWrench ()

    • Wunderschönen Moin :)

      Das OP Deep Blue ist in Deutschland

      Ich fand es gestern in den Bücherregalen in Thalia.

      Hab mir das Buch aber noch nicht gekauft.

      Hat wer das Buch schon in deutscher Übersetzung?

      Wenn ja , was gibt es neues oder interessantes?

      Kann man neue Theorien entwickeln über die Mitglieder der Shb die noch kommen sollen ?
    • Jeff Nero Hardy schrieb:

      Wunderschönen Moin :)

      Das OP Deep Blue ist in Deutschland

      Ich fand es gestern in den Bücherregalen in Thalia.

      Hab mir das Buch aber noch nicht gekauft.

      Hat wer das Buch schon in deutscher Übersetzung?

      Wenn ja , was gibt es neues oder interessantes?

      Kann man neue Theorien entwickeln über die Mitglieder der Shb die noch kommen sollen ?
      Also komplett hab ich es noch nicht gelesen, aber ich hab mal hineingeschnuppert.
      Und soweit ich das sehe werden (besonders am Anfang) einfach Daten (wie Geburtstag, Größe und Gewicht etc.) neu veröffentlicht. Auch von weniger und sogar unwichtigen Charakteren.
      Auch Haki wird thematisiert (aber nur das bisher bekannte), sowie die Schiffe, Teufelsfrüchte und Maschinerien wie das Wapometall (das wir aus der Coverstory kennen) oder die Pazifistermaschienerie.
      Interessant finde ich aber das es am Ende haufenweise Fragen gibt die Oda persönlich betreffen aber leider nur ganz kurz beantwortet werden.
      Dann werden ein par Fragen an Oda über One Piece gestellt wie "In welcher Mannschaft wärst du wenn du sie dir aussuchen könntest?" Antwort: "Die Rothaar Piratenbande" (für mich als Shanks Fanboy natürlich sehr schön :D)

      Aber mein Persönliches Highlight (was ich auch sofort gelesen habe, als einziges von dem Buch) waren die letzten Seiten, in denen das Kapitel 0 abgedruckt ist was ich für meinen Teil noch nie komplett gelesen habe und es mir wirklich gut gefällt.

      Das waren eigentlich die wichtigsten Sachen :P

      Hypa Hypa

    • Ein kleines Fazit

      Also ich habe den Band jetzt seit Mittwoch und wie (leider) nicht anders zu erwarten, sind einige Fehler vorhanden. Mir ist es besonders aufgefallen bei den Diagrammen, die die Beziehungen darstellen. Da ich jetzt kein genaues Beispiel habe, da auf Arbeit, gebe ich mal ein fiktives. So würde bei Lysop und der SHB statt Freunde Feinde stehen und bei der Partei, die eigentlich die Feinde sind, Freunde.

      Auch bei der Fake SHB sind zwar alle Namen aufgeführt, nur passen die Bilder nicht zu dem Namen. So steht bspw. bei dem Bild von Fake Ruffy das er Fake Robin ist Cocoa heißt. Da es allesamt keine Übersetzungsfehler sind sonder einfach nur "Flüchtigkeitsfehler" finde ich es ziemlich ärgerlich, wäre(n) der/die Übersetzer etwas mit One Piece vertraut, wäre das nicht passiert.

      Fazit: Schön das er auf deutsch raus ist, aber echt schade, dass der Band nicht etwas liebevoller übersetzt ist.

      In diesem Sinne
    • Beim googlen ist mir heute was krasses aufgefallen, was hier nie erwähnt wurde.
      Im Databook wurde erwähnt das Yasopp und Vista sich aufgrund eines Ereignisses der Vergangenheit hassen.

      Als Shanks mit Marco über seiner Anwesenheit in Marineford sprach kann man beide beobachten, wie sie sich böse Blicke zu werfen.

      Hier ist das Bild vom Databook:

    • Also ich habe mir tatsächlich dass Band zugelegt ^^

      Auch die kleinen Fehler habe ich auch schon bemerkt, aber an sich ist es sehr süß aufgebaut.
      Am süßesten finde ich immer noch die Rubrik der Schiffe. Jedes Schiff ist abgebildet und zu wem sie gehört.
      Natürlich darf ein Interview mit Eiichiro Oda fehlen.
      Selbstverständlich ist auch ein großes Teufelsfrüchteverzeichnis zu finden.
      Also ich liebe diesen Band.
      Yohohohoho <3
    • CaptainBlackJack schrieb:

      Links: Mozanbia, Vizeadmiral
      Rechts: Sukoppaa Gyaban/Copper Gyabin, "Roger Pirate's member. Has a long relantionship with the captain."
      Unten geschrieben: Stainless, Vizeadmiral (der, der bei Mozanbia und Kaiserbart gesessen hat)


      Und 3 Namen von Vizeadmirälen:

      Namekuseijin_AP schrieb:

      Kyansaa (Cancer? - i'm not understanding the explanation of who is)
      Basutiiyu (Bastille? - giant with mask)

      Bin grad zufällig über diesen beitrag gestolpert..
      Der ganz links rot makierte sieht einfach original aus wie oden..
      Das oda gerne mal die designs seiner Charaktere ändert wusste ich ja, aber das oda das komplette Design von oden eigentlich für einen anderen Charakter geplant hatte ist mir neu.

      Finde interessant wie er solch zeichnungen nicht komplett verwirft, sondern dafür früher oder später doch noch platz findet.
    • flizzmasterflizzy schrieb:

      CaptainBlackJack schrieb:

      Links: Mozanbia, Vizeadmiral
      Rechts: Sukoppaa Gyaban/Copper Gyabin, "Roger Pirate's member. Has a long relantionship with the captain."
      Unten geschrieben: Stainless, Vizeadmiral (der, der bei Mozanbia und Kaiserbart gesessen hat)


      Und 3 Namen von Vizeadmirälen:

      Namekuseijin_AP schrieb:

      Kyansaa (Cancer? - i'm not understanding the explanation of who is)
      Basutiiyu (Bastille? - giant with mask)
      Bin grad zufällig über diesen beitrag gestolpert..
      Der ganz links rot makierte sieht einfach original aus wie oden..
      Das oda gerne mal die designs seiner Charaktere ändert wusste ich ja, aber das oda das komplette Design von oden eigentlich für einen anderen Charakter geplant hatte ist mir neu.

      Finde interessant wie er solch zeichnungen nicht komplett verwirft, sondern dafür früher oder später doch noch platz findet.
      Man kann das Gesicht leider nicht richtig erkennen.
      Leicht schmodder.

      Aber sonst ein interessanter Fakt.
    • Vorab: Wenn alles als Zitat geschrieben wird, muss man erst mal schauen, was geschrieben und was zitiert wird...

      Bei dem besagten Charakter links auf dem Bild handelt es sich zweifelsfrei um Wire, einem Mitglied der Kid-Piratenbande (RIP). Scheint aus dem Japanischen zu sein, zumindest findet man die im deutschen Band nicht in dieser Reihenfolge. Aber auf Seite 207 im deutschen Band kann man genau das oben gezeigte Bild sehen. Es wurde auch sonst oft in FPS, Sonderbänden etc. für Wire benutzt.

      Wenn der ursprüngliche Poster kein Foto benutzen würde, bei dem ein Wasserzeichen genau über dem Bild liegt, über das er reden will, dann wäre das vielleicht auch einfacher :D. Ohne Wasserzeichen hat der Charakter auf dem Foto nicht mehr ganz so viele Gemeinsamkeiten mit Oden. Es ist also kein Design, das man vorerst verworfen und nachträglich für Oden benutzt hat.